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A Proven Solution to Accelerating

Your Business Growth.

At Braincage Media, we are dedicated to amplifying the reach of healers, changemakers, and rule breakers as a means of generating collective abundance.

By eliminating the stressful pitfalls of DIY digital marketing, the expertise of our boutique agency liberates you to spend your time and attention in the zone of genius where you flourish most.

A Proven Solution to Accelerating Your Business Growth.

At Braincage Media, we are dedicated to amplifying the reach of healers, changemakers, and rule breakers as a means of generating collective abundance.

By eliminating the stressful pitfalls of DIY digital marketing, the expertise of our boutique agency liberates you to spend your time and attention in the zone of genius where you flourish most.

Transform your business performance with a strategic application of data and good ole’ fashioned authenticity.

Social media marketing can

establish real connections.

From coaches and consultants to entrepreneurs and service providers, we work explicitly with the movers and shakers that have dedicated their life’s work to the healing and evolution of society.

That being said, we are very familiar with the barriers and roadblocks that can make social media marketing feel cold, lifeless, and/or morally conflicting.

Regardless of your opinion of Facebook, Instagram, or the internet at large, we are here for you.

The fact is, Facebook is the oldest and largest digital community and continues to rank #1 for user engagement. In 2021, Facebook users clicked on an average of 12 ads per month, with women ages 45-64 clicking on 20 ads per month. For this reason, Facebook has the highest return on investment (ROI) for advertisers compared to all other social media.

By leveraging the incredible networking power of this platform and our comprehensive ad campaign strategy, we will automate a self-actualizing Facebook and Instagram ecosystem that produces consistent conversions.

–ultimately yielding the time, energy, and resources for you to focus on what you do best.

See What Others Are Saying

Genuine. Upfront. Persistent.

We earn our living from the strengths of our partnership with you.

Your success is our success.

Allow us to relieve you from the stress of scrabbling for leads so you can enjoy the passion and purpose that fuels your life.

We choose our partners carefully, because we dedicate our life’s work to the earnest intention of supporting you in yours.


Data-driven research. Proven systems. A creative, genuine, and sometimes funny* approach.

*Depends on who you ask.

1. Onboard

During this deep delve into your brand story and identity, we flesh out the critical details of who you are and who you serve.

We then assess your most valuable assets and employ them to construct the scaffold that will showcase your offerings to the target audience.

Through this supportive and educational process, you will be empowered with the tools and knowledge needed to shine in the infinite expanse of social media.

2. Scaffold

We then develop and systematize each touchpoint within your sales funnel.

By strategically designing an intimate and intentional journey for prospective clients to navigate, we ensure that the marketing infrastructure is potent enough to persistently nourish the expansion of an authentic community.

3. Optimize

We are unashamed data geeks and find considerable pride and joy in continually challenging our systems to improve their performance.

With daily data harvests from your Facebook analytics, we relentlessly refine our methods in order to put you right in front of those who will benefit from your gifts the most.

1. Onboard

During this deep delve into your brand story and identity, we flesh out the critical details of who you are and who you serve.

We then assess your most valuable assets and employ them to construct the scaffold that will showcase your offerings to the target audience.

Through this supportive and educational process, you will be empowered with the tools and knowledge needed to shine in the infinite expanse of social media.

2. Scaffold

We then develop and systematize each touchpoint within your sales funnel.

By strategically designing an intimate and intentional journey for prospective clients to navigate, we ensure that the marketing infrastructure is potent enough to persistently nourish the expansion of an authentic community.

3. Optimize

We are unashamed data geeks and find considerable pride and joy in continually challenging our systems to improve their performance.

With daily data harvests from your Facebook analytics, we relentlessly refine our methods in order to put you right in front of those who will benefit from your gifts the most.

We’ve successfully scaled our clients’ reach by 4K% in a matter of days.

Are you ready to retire from the stresses of DIY marketing and focus on what you truly love?

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